Attack of the Karma Police!!!!!

Okay so I am convinced that the Karma Police are after me. I had a great day yesterday! I went shopping with my cousin X (I got her a nanny job in December) and I got stuff that I needed for my trip to the French Alps. I also got a sweet new jacket, which I didn’t need but I saw it and fell in love with it and I had the money so I bought it. My rational behind it was that this jacket has a hood and my other snowboarding jacket doesn’t so I bought it. Anywhoo the rest of the day continued on pretty smoothly and I was pretty happy with myself. My mood was up I was actually starting to feel like myself again for the first time in weeks and then it happened…

Le Boyfriend’s roommate Y, who is his ex-girlfriends’s, friend (it’s a long story, but I really like her she’s really sweet) has some people staying over (a friend and her Mom from Hungary), which is no big deal, they do their thing and we do ours and he rarely sees them. Anyway I go over to his place last night and we decide to go get dinner. We end up going to the restaurant where Y works and where her guests and another girl are eating as well. Y sees us come in and is very happy to see us and gives us bisous (the French cheek kissing thing everyone does it) and introduces us to her friends “Je vous presente le boyfriend et sa petite amie Odette.” (Let me introduce you to le boyfriend and his girlfriend Odette.) So the ladies all say hi to le boyfriend as they are grateful I am sure that he has let them stay over. (The place is le boyfriend’s he lets Y live there while she finds a place of her own.) So I am a little offended that no one even acknowledges my presence, but whatever I deal with it. We sit down at a table pretty close to theirs and le boyfriend turns around and starts talking to them to be polite, you know the usual “How are you liking Paris” “What sights did you see today” blah blah blah. Anyway it turns out that the one girl, we’ll call her the “American Bitch” (AB) is here studying until April and is not staying chez le boyfriend. AB and le boyfriend start talking and AB starts giving him “the look” you know that one that skanky girls give to a guy as she’s preying on him. I ignore it because I know that a) le boyfriend is completely oblivious and b) he’s with me and that’s not going to change just because some skanky whore is putting the mack on him. So EVENTUALLY he turns back around and I am pretty flustered after watching my boyfriend be skankified for the past 5 minutes. AB has to this point not acknowledged my presence (not even looked at me) and hit on my boyfriend (“So le boyfriend what do you do?” “Oh wow that’s sooooo interesting” “Hmm maybe you can show me some time.” *hee hee *hair flip *skanky sex gaze “Oh yeah I’ll be here till April.”) So then I am say to him “Ya done? Cause if you turn around one more time I am going home.” He is a bit surprised because of course he doesn’t get it and I let it go. At the end of the night he goes up by their table to examine a big bottle of wine (le boyfriend is obsessed with wine) and she lays her skanky little claws into him AGAIN and now they are standing in touching range! AGAIN she does not in anyway acknowledge that I am even occupying space or anything, I snap and do my best to drag le boyfriend out of there calmly before I cause a scene.

I was pissed so we leave the restaurant and I tell le boyfriend that I am angry and why. To my surprise he understands my anger and apologized for now catching on to the fact that AB was hitting on him. I was SOOOO angry! I can’t believe that some bitches will openly hit on other people’s boyfriends RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM! I ask myself over and over if I could have been just overreacting and I replay the night in my head and it makes me sooo mad and NO I was not just over reacting. This girl was 104% for sure hitting on my boyfriend! ARG!

To make matters worse I am leaving tomorrow to go snowboarding in the Alps for a week. The Hungarian guests leave Sunday so chances are AB will be over at le boyfriend’s place on the weekend to see her friends. I told le boyfriend that I trust him and I do, I really do, but I do not trust AB, not one bit. So now I get to go out of town with that stupid worry in the back of my mind. It is so stupid though. I trust le boyfriend, but situations like that make me so insecure. I feel as though I must appear inferior to AB and that is why she felt that she could easily push in on my man. My self confidence is at an all new low. How stupid. I don’t understand what is going on with me lately. I am usually confident and friendly, positive and outgoing and now I feel like pond scum. Arg I wish I was a crier cause then I could at least have some sort of an outlet for this emotional crap. Who am I? Well the real Odette please re-occupy her body?


Delicieux said…
Girl... I know EXACTLY how you feel. That's got to be the WORST feeling in the world... even though you know you trust him with everything, the conniving bitch could come blindside him.

Have fun on your trip, I know it'll be hard because you'll be worrying BUT just know that if you guys make it through this, you'll know it's real!!
Wanderlusting said…
I've been there. I know he's just little bro Mikey to you, but many a girl has done the hitting on thing in front of me to him. It's usually the same girl (lets call her Amanda, A. Henry) and he's wise to her (has been since Sept when it first started).

She's backed off because Mike now can be almost rude to her when she's doing her thing but still...she tries!! Pisses the hell out of me. Luckily your bf was also wise the ways of AB.

Best thing you can do is ignore it. When I see AH hiting on Mike, I just walk away. If I watch it, I get mad. She wants a reaction you see (and we don't actually think she's really after him...she just really doesnt like me at all so she's out to get me).

Hang in there, ignore it and remember he is with cute, adorable you and not some floozy for a reason. And yes, most of the times, guys are actually clueless when a girl is hitting on them...
Wanderlusting said…
PS - also totally understand the whole trusting your bf 100% but not trusting other women. Totally.
Cupcake Blonde said…
You are not being silly or bitchy or anything. This is an actual worry to have. Because although you trust your boyfriend completely it is almost impossible to trust other women who act like this. And unfortunately they usually stop at nothing. What is good for you is that le boyfriend understands and is sensitive to your worries. Perhaps if she does come over this weekend when you are away he will take it upon himself to remove himself from the situation, so as not to upset you in any and to not give her any opportunity to act like the skank she is. And although you have nothing to worry about per se because you are wonderful and le boyfriend loves YOU, I have been in this situtaion and totally understand your fears. Those types of girls usually have their comeuppance due in time.

Have fun this weekend!
Delicieux said…
I've been anticipating your entry about what happened... Did everything turn out ok??

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