Challenge 1 - Accomplished

So I did it!  I had a great time and raised a whopping $3140 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society of Canada.  I feel great to have been able to set a goal  and work my butt off to accomplish it!

I was a bit slower than I had intended due to a knee injury that I am still dealing with, but I managed to finish in 3 hours and 4 minutes.  This run was amazing.  It is so well organized and there are such great entertainment throughout the race that I almost forgot I was running (or walking).  If you have ever wanted to try a marathon or a half I highly recommend a Disney event!

I had such a great time at this run that I have decided to continue my running and have signed up for a 10k in April and another half in August!  Yay!  I'm so excited.  If only I COULD run right now... I am in physio for an ACL and IT band injury and it is making it hard to train, but what can ya do?

Since I'm injured and can't run I've decided to try another first.  I am going to start a detox on Monday that I am pretty excited about.  My body is definitely ready for a break and this detox just cuts out a lot of stuff that I really shouldn't be eating anyway (processed food, added sugar, dairy and gluten) and has me filling up on good things like fruits, veggies and plant-based fats (for the first week then we add other stuff back like fish, gluten-free grains that kind of thing.)  Anyway if you want to read about it check it out here, it's in the January issue of Whole Living!

I will try to keep a log of my detox.  It may not be pretty, but hey what doesn't kill us right?  Wish me luck!


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