Week 8: The week where things start to get tough

So I know that I have been all pumped over the last 8 weeks talking about how great things are going and they have.  This week however I am going to talk a little bit about the hard parts.

So first there's the pain.  I have CRAZY bad pain in my left knee, which I am pretty sure is largely due to the fact that I have a flat foot because I broke my ankle when I was 16 and I have a screw in there to this day.  Basically when my foot flattened it put my whole left side out of alignment and now I get really bad knee and hip pain.  I have to start going to physio to deal with this, but I am afraid to call because I hate having to speak French on the phone.

The next pain is the lovely muscle pain.  After running (well running for 10 mins and walking for 1) for two and a half hours one is not just going to stretch and be good to go.  It hurts and I can't walk up and down stairs.  The muscle fatigue lasts for a few days and that is not much fun either.

Cramps, oh do I get cramps, both in my sides and in my legs when I stop running.  I am trying to figure out what amount of salt I need to make sure that that doesn't happen, as nothing is more painful then going to stretch out your quad and having your hamstring cramp up.

Besides just the pain there's the mental.  Some days I just don't want to run.  I get on the treadmill or head out and I am sooo not into it.  The words of death "I can't" repeat themselves over and over again in my head and I start to believe it.  The run gets harder and I just want to quit.

Then I have days when I freak out and worry that I won't be able to do it.  Those days are just tough.

Finally, sometimes I just get BORED!  How hard is it to run when I am bored.  That is my motivation zapper.  Nothing knocks me back more than boredom.  Sometimes I look at my distance and I can't even believe that I have so far left to go.  Sometimes I even feel like just giving up and going home.

BUT despite all that, the pain, the mental crap and the boredom I am still keeping with it because nothing is as important to me as this cause.  Nothing is as bad as sitting on my couch doing nothing.  No pain is as bad for me as the pain of giving up.  So I will truck on, knee pain, cramps and all... and yes I may even one day get over my fear of talking on the telephone!


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