Running update: Week 7

So the running is going well, surprisingly.  I did my second 16k run yesterday in just over 2 hours.  I am happy to say that with that I am on track to do the full 21.1k in 2 hours 45, which is my goal.  This is VERY slow, but I never had any allusions about being fast!  To be perfectly honest I am pretty sure that I could run the full 21kms right now at this slow pace and that to me is insane!  I am not a runner, but I am now running for 2 hours and feel amazing afterwards!

If someone would have told me a year ago that I would be doing this, I would have told them they were nuts.  I never would have thought that I would have the motivation and drive to get this done, but now I am doing it and truth be told I am actually enjoying seeing how hard I can push myself.

This week's runs look a little something like this:
Tuesday - Tempo 6k
Thursday - Hills  (Boo!)
Saturday - Steady 6k
Sunday Long slow 18k (yay another 2k!)

The fundraising is going slowly and this is making me a bit stressed.  I am about a third of the way there, which is great, but I still have a long way to go.  I am trying to organize a craft fair at my barn in Vancouver, and I am also selling 50/50 tickets, so I am hoping that those will prove profitable.  Also I am asking all you bloggers to please give my blog a shout out.  I know that many of you are not able to help me financially, but any awareness you can bring to my race is much appreciated.  After all you never know who will be reading or who will be able to help.  I sincerely thank you in advance for any help you can give. :)


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