The start of my weekly updates: Week 6

So I am still in training for my half-marathon and it's going.  Not going great, just going.  I have been having really bad knee pain that has been completely destroying my ability to train.  To combat that I am going to start going to physio and we have bought a treadmill, which is really helping to take the impact off my knee.  So I am keeping at it.

I am still waiting for the weight to start to come off, as I am feeling a little gross.  I can attribute that to the amount of baking I have been doing and the fact that I have not been making a lot of dinners and buying a lot of  meals on the go.

On the plus side we just had a conference call with a nutritionist (one of the many benefits of the Team in Training Program! :)) and we found out that we're doing a lot right!  She spoke a bit about mineral content in foods and how organic food tends to be grown in more mineral-rich soil, which means that it isn't as mineral depleted as a lot of other commercially-grown food.  This made me feel pretty good, as we have been eating a lot of home-grown produce over the summer and now into the fall we are enjoying butternut squash and pumpkin from our garden!

Another thing that I found really interesting was that she was telling us about greens, like spinach, kale and chard and how they help restore the alkalinity to the body and how that creates an unfavorable environment for viruses and even cancer!  I am super excited about this as we have been eating a lot of salad and spinach already and I even bought some swiss chard last week just to try something different.

Carbohydrates are hugely important for us seeing as we are training for an endurance event and eating complex carbs is not too difficult for us as I switched us over to brown rice and whole grain breads a while ago, much to my husband's dismay.  My problem now is getting over the stigma that I have attached to carbs and realize that I NEED them to do what I am trying to do!  I mean 21.1km is a long way to go and I can't do it if I am not fulled properly... I have a bad feeling that I may become one of those annoying "oh you should totally add [x] to your diet.  It will change your life!"  I am already thinking about starting my day with healthy smoothies (with berries, greens powder and plain yogurt.  yum right?) where does it end?

Now I know that everyone says this, but I really really mean it if I can do this, ANYONE CAN.  I know that things seem a little overwhelming, but there are easy programs that you can find online to help get you up and moving.  I have gone from someone who couldn't run a mile to being able to jog 6 miles.  I promise you, you can do it if you want to.  I honestly believe that this is true for anything... oh gosh listen to me I obviously drank the punch... I am going to stop now... See you next week!


D said…
Go you!!! Keep it up!

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