Homeward Bound
I'm going home in two weeks!!! Not forever or anything just for a week to visit. What's better is that I am going alone so I don't have to feel guilty about wanting to go and hang out with my friends! I am tres excited. (stupid no accents!) I also feel like le fiance and I will benefit from some time apart. For me I know that it will give me a chance to reconnect with myself and thus make me less dependent on him for emotional support. I will also get a chance to remember who I am as an individual, which I really need to do. I started a group on Facebook to announce my comings and goings from Vancouver (cause I'm a big geek! lol) and people who I didn't even think would care have started requesting to be a part of it. I am so happy! It's such a silly little trivial thing, but to know that people are happy that I am coming to town remindes me that I am much more than an unemployed 27 year old loser. I am an unemployed 27 year old loser with friends! hah...