Little girls, Little girls
So I don't really have too much to write today. There's some stuff rolling around in my head but I am not too sure that it's blog material. Karina wrote about something the other day that I can relate to and I just wanted to write about it.
She wrote about interacting with girls who are quite a bit younger that she is, and I in a similar situation. Karina hit the nail on the head. When you're 19 you don't see the maturity gap between yourself and someone who's in their late 20's, but there is one, and how. I have a friend here who is 19, she's super sweet but soooooo young. I have a really hard time relating to her a lot of the time. It's not even that she is immature it's just that she approaches everything with the innocence of youth. Every problem is the end of the world, and she can't understand that I don't want to go out and do crazy things with her all the time. She doesn't think that we are any different, according to her I just need to get out, but really I need to get my work done. It's not that she's wrong per se, sometimes I do need to get out it's just that I don't have to luxury of youthful abandon and I do have responsbilities. I get so mad at myself because I love the girl, as I said she is so sweet and such a pleasure to be around, but I can't spend too much time with her because I find it frustrating there's no reasoning with her. I remember when I was young and the world was so black and white, but now there are so many shades of grey and I guess that you just can't force people to see things that they just aren't ready to. Does this mean that we can't be friends? Heck no, but I need grown up friends too because I am just at a different place in my life, and I feel so badly about that.
Also as a riding coach I bonded with a lot of young girls who are now in their late teens and they're drinking and getting high and they think that they're so cool. I remember what that rebellion felt like, but now I realize how ridiculous that all was. Now I have all these girls sending me messages about all this crazy stuff they're doing. One is even doing harder drugs and is completely screwed up and it is so heartbreaking. Why are kids so stupid? I mean really what about getting high and getting yourself irreversably messed up is cool? Arg these stupid stupid little girls. I love them so much they all call me their big sister and it breaks my heart to see them acting so stupid. It's not that I don't understand the drinking thing, I do and I know that they are drinking in one place and then staying there (like at a friend's house) also if they did go home it's always in walking distance, but seriously it's like a couple of them are always trying to up the ante. Arg!
Okay so this post took a very different turn, so I am going to finish with this topic now I don't know why I go off on these tangents, I just kind of do!
OOOHH Josh Groban is on Ellen, I am in love with Josh Groban, I am not going to lie. Sorry that was random. (Serioulsy I think I am a little obsessed, I literally just stopped everything for the ten minutes that he was on the show, gosh I'm a loser.)
Okay well this was a great distraction from studying for my Quebec Legal System exam, I guess that I should get back to it. Hope you're all havin' a great day!
She wrote about interacting with girls who are quite a bit younger that she is, and I in a similar situation. Karina hit the nail on the head. When you're 19 you don't see the maturity gap between yourself and someone who's in their late 20's, but there is one, and how. I have a friend here who is 19, she's super sweet but soooooo young. I have a really hard time relating to her a lot of the time. It's not even that she is immature it's just that she approaches everything with the innocence of youth. Every problem is the end of the world, and she can't understand that I don't want to go out and do crazy things with her all the time. She doesn't think that we are any different, according to her I just need to get out, but really I need to get my work done. It's not that she's wrong per se, sometimes I do need to get out it's just that I don't have to luxury of youthful abandon and I do have responsbilities. I get so mad at myself because I love the girl, as I said she is so sweet and such a pleasure to be around, but I can't spend too much time with her because I find it frustrating there's no reasoning with her. I remember when I was young and the world was so black and white, but now there are so many shades of grey and I guess that you just can't force people to see things that they just aren't ready to. Does this mean that we can't be friends? Heck no, but I need grown up friends too because I am just at a different place in my life, and I feel so badly about that.
Also as a riding coach I bonded with a lot of young girls who are now in their late teens and they're drinking and getting high and they think that they're so cool. I remember what that rebellion felt like, but now I realize how ridiculous that all was. Now I have all these girls sending me messages about all this crazy stuff they're doing. One is even doing harder drugs and is completely screwed up and it is so heartbreaking. Why are kids so stupid? I mean really what about getting high and getting yourself irreversably messed up is cool? Arg these stupid stupid little girls. I love them so much they all call me their big sister and it breaks my heart to see them acting so stupid. It's not that I don't understand the drinking thing, I do and I know that they are drinking in one place and then staying there (like at a friend's house) also if they did go home it's always in walking distance, but seriously it's like a couple of them are always trying to up the ante. Arg!
Okay so this post took a very different turn, so I am going to finish with this topic now I don't know why I go off on these tangents, I just kind of do!
OOOHH Josh Groban is on Ellen, I am in love with Josh Groban, I am not going to lie. Sorry that was random. (Serioulsy I think I am a little obsessed, I literally just stopped everything for the ten minutes that he was on the show, gosh I'm a loser.)
Okay well this was a great distraction from studying for my Quebec Legal System exam, I guess that I should get back to it. Hope you're all havin' a great day!
It all comes from the fact that they need water, but water freezes if left out, so we have to make water attractive enough for them to drink/eat it all up right away.
I've met 19 year olds though - like Josh - who have a great head of their shoulders and who have gone through a lot in their young lifes that they really do have wisdom that most their age lack. I should know, I was like that when I was 19 due to the frequent and tragic circumstances in my life's younger years (of which I don't blog about).
I've also known some incredibly immature 27 year olds. I guess it depends but for the most part, YES, I feel your pain. There is a huge difference and only time will take care of that. Sometimes though I can't really imagine what their boyfriend's are thinking but both guys in question have the mental and social capacities of 16-year olds so I guess it works!!
As an aside, another thing that sme is lack of respect for elders. Meaning, when I was young I DID look up to and worship the opinions of those older. But these days most youngun's think THEY know best.
Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you.
I don't know that I'd want to be friends with anyone under 22-ish. I think it would just be too hard, that my life is too different.