25 things

So this has been going around Facebook and I've been tagged about six times, but have refused to do it. Now that I haven't blogged in a while and have nothing else to say I will do it here. (Yes Courtney I totally ripped this off :P)

1. I have never cried as much as I have in the last few days. I feel so guilty for leaving my horse (temporarily she was meant to join me here in the spring because I thought she'd be safer at home and traveling in the spring. ironic) and now she's getting put down and I won't be there to say goodbye. I am going to miss her so so much.
2. I love movies. I am happiest when I am watching a good movie with someone (or someones) I care about. My favorites are the original Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart and Breakfast at Tiffany's. Anytime I hear "Moon River" it makes me nostalgic.
3. I am not a cat person, but I have one and I am pretty sure that my cat is the cutest cat ever.
4. I hate olives.
5. I have been singing since I was little but I am still not that good and I won't sing in front of anyone I know. But I have no problem singing in front of groups of strangers, go figure!
6. I love love Pilates!
7. My fiance and I want to travel through the Himalayas from Bejing to Kathmandu and hike to Everest Base Camp.
8. I cannot wait to have kids! I know that many people won't understand this but I do. However I have some other stuff to take care of first. (Like #7)
9. I am terrified that I am not going to find a job.
10. I did not believe in serendipity until I met my fiance. In fact I didn't even believe in love until I met him!
11. I believe that sometimes your best just isn't good enough, but you will only regret it if you don't try.
12. I am stubborn and headstrong, but have no trouble admitting when I'm wrong and saying I'm sorry.
13. I cannot wait to be married, but am scared out of my mind for my wedding. I hate being the center of attention.
14. I am not a morning person!
15. I truly feel that Disneyland / Disneyworld / DisneyParis are the happiest places on earth.
16. I still sleep with Ted-Ted my teddy bear (he's as old as I am!)
17. I believe in ghosts. Yup I know how illogical it is but I still do...
18. I miss the kids that I looked after last year so much! (But not their mother!)
19. I have very very vivid dreams. In my dreams I can sometimes actually control what is going on by realizing that it is a dream and making up what comes next.
20. My favorite color is purple, but that tends to change once a year!
21. This has taken my an hour and a half to write thus far.
22. I am pretty sure that you can die of a broken heart.
23. My favorite all time quote is still "In the end we remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Martin Luther King Jr
24. If I could go back and re-do one thing in my life it would be the whole of 1989, I was a brat!
25. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be! :P

Okay I apologize for this cop-out of a post. I'll try to do better next time. :)


Cupcake Blonde said…
I loved this! And I agree with #10 and #17. In fact you and I have a lot of similar things in common. :)
Wanderlusting said…
Good list! I never thought you wanted to have kids for some reason though...too political to be a mum? lol.

PS awesome that you both have the same travel goals. I want that!
Mary Ellen said…
This was not a cop out - it was interesting. I actually like these list posts - it's a quick way to get to know my favorite bloggers!

I'm pretty sure my cats are the cutest ones, but I could be wrong!
Mary Lee said…
I LOVE Sabrina... both of them. Thats a pix of Paris arc de triumph, right? I love to travel and never get a chance to. You sound like you have a fun life. Enjoy it!
Anonymous said…
It's not a copout and it's totally meant to be stolen. I think we have a lot in common. A lot.

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