
I am convinced that my cat knows what time I get home because every day I open the door and he is sitting in the entryway waiting for me. I have always suspected that he has just jumped off the couch (he is not allowed on the furniture) because he is always positioned in such a way that it looks like he has just come from that direction.

Well today I got home half an hour early and I snuck up to the door and opened it right away (I normally take my boots off first) and this is what I saw:

Do those look like cat ears to you?
Yup that's what I thought...

Oh Harley you are sooooo BUSTED!!!!!


Mary Lee said…
I just figured out that your out of the country? duh? Especially since your date says my tomorrow. So how is my tomorrow? Anything I should know?
Cupcake Blonde said…
I love that you managed to snag a picture of him in the act. And I bet he played it off like, what? No big deal. :)
Odette said…
lol YES that's EXACTLY what he did! He "woke up" and looked at me like "what?" ha ha ha ha ha
kim-d said…
BWAHAHAHA...yup, yup, Harley played it cool! SO FUNNY. And wow, gorgeous...looks so comfy! You've got it wrong, though, Odette, you're just lucky HARLEY lets YOU sit on the couch. :)
Mary Ellen said…
Your cat is adorable. I can't believe you don't let him on the furniture - my cats are allowed anywhere except where food is prepared or eaten (no tables, no counters). I adopted this plan because they are going to do whatever they want, anyway.

Actually, they usually prefer to sleep on people whenever possible.
Wanderlusting said…
hahaha cute! Love how my shoes show up on the blogroll now lol
Kass said…
So so cute. I too am suspicious about our trouble makers (we have 3!). They always seem innocent and sweet when we get home, then we discover all the mayhem that's been happening over the course of the day.
Anonymous said…
Oh, that's too funny. My cats aren't allowed on the furniture either, but they're so brazen that they do it in front of me. Like right now, stupid cat.
Delicieux said…
cutest furball...ever!! :) I can say that because mine isn't fluffy, she's just got hair :)

Haha! Hilarious that you caught her!

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