
Okay folks, I am in fact alive and a little worse for wear and although I cannot share all the gruesome details about the past few weeks with you I'll do my best to go over most of the big stuff.

First off I have been reading a lot and I finally broke down and read the Twilight series. I was surprised at how much I loved it! I must admit I sort of hated Bella and thought she was an idiot (especially in Breaking Dawn) but I was still captivated by the story. I am now really looking forward to Midnight Sun even though it may never come out! As for the movie, well I am of two minds. First off I know that they are going to gloss over a lot of the best parts of the book and that may just piss me off AND I really disagree with some of the casting (Nikki Reed as Rosalie? Really?) However I really loved the book and I know that I am going to drag le boyfriend to see it when it comes out.

Secondly I am trying to get all ready for the big move. This means going through all the stuff that my brother and his girlfriend pretty much chucked into senseless piles when they moved into my suite. My brother now just came up to ask me to come and get more stuff, I am just curious as to where they expect me to put it all.

So that is somewhat stressful and tiresome, but I just want to get it done, so that I can get my move over with.

I recently got back from Montreal, which was pretty uneventful except that we signed a lease on an apartment, so we have somewhere to live while we look for a house to buy in the 'burbs. I don't have a job yet but I just found out that the federal government is recruiting post-secondary grads and there are 3 departments that require Poli Sci degrees! Now I am at a disadvantage since I don't want to work anywhere, but Montreal, but I will give it a go, after all it can't hurt can it?

Since I am actually interested in politics, right now is a very interesting time for me with Canada and the US going to the polls. I'll admit the Canadian election is kinda boring compared to the US, but I find both fascinating. I especially find Sarah Palin a fascinating case. I was watching The Daily Show the other day and I was really impressed by some of John Stewart's comments on the subject. If you missed it here are the links that I find most interesting:



Or if you are in Canada:



They are just interesting, I do not mean to say that I do or do not agree with what is being said, but I just find the content interesting.

In other news le boyfriend went back to Montreal yesterday. I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with him over the last month with me being in Montreal and then him being in Vancouver. We have had a great time and now I miss him terribly. I know that I will be in Montreal soon, but I am still a little sad.

We had a chance to discuss our future over the past few weeks and we have decided to get married next year. (Please note my family is as of yet unaware of this decision so I ask those of you who know my family to keep it quiet until we have a chance to tell them ourselves.) There's a ring, I picked it out and it has been paid for and is in the process of being made. I am excited and happy and scared all at the same time, but the one thing that has never come into question for me is that I want to spend the rest of my life with this man. I have never loved anyone so purely and without judgement. He is everything I could ever want in a partner, and no he isn't perfect, but I know this and I love him in spite of our differences and imperfections. I have never on my life been more sure of anything, and I just hope that my family knows this and will be happy about this new stage in my life. Again I ask that those of you who know my family keep it quiet, because I am sure that they'd rather hear it from us than from someone else and we haven't been able to get everyone together to have "the talk". Thanks everyone and I'll let you know how this all progresses!

*****Side note: I maybe seem a little casual about the whole bombshell thing but honestly when it comes out and is "official" I will get excited and make an "official" announcement and it will be top line material. For now it just doesn't feel real since we haven't really told anyone, it almost feels like he could take it all back and I am jinxing myself (although he did buy the ring!) but I am having such a hard time keeping it to myself!!!!!


Delicieux said…
OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :) I'm SO excited for you!!! And I MUST see a picture of this ring once you get it!

That is so awesome, girl... good luck with all the moving. It's small in comparison to where you're moving IN to :)

Cupcake Blonde said…
You go away and come back with this kind of a bombshell and leave at the bottom of the post? Hello? That is top line material girl! :) CONGRATULATIONS!!!

I am so happy for you and echo the need to see the ring ASAP.

So glad you read the Twilight series and liked it. And aren't we supposed to hate Bella a bit? I mean she does get Edward after all. Oh, FYI Stephenie Meyer will be on Ellen this Wed. the 17th. Not sure you get it in Canada but just in case, thought you would like to know.
Kass said…
Why is everybody getting engaged?! When is it going to be my turn, god damnit! lol

Congrats, btw, I'm just jealous and bitter :)
Delicieux said…
1. Agreed with Kass... it's definitely my turn!!! Everyone around me is getting engaged! Maybe soon for Michael and I... ;)

and 2. I was thinking about this last night... is his name going to change to le fiance in le blog?

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