It's Official!!!

That's right folks I am now "officially" someone's fiance! Ahhh crrraaaazzzy!!!! It hasn't sunk in yet and I am still without a ring, but none of that really matters. I am packing up a storm and trying to stay sane! My parents seemed happy, I think that it's hard for them a bit cause that makes me an adult and makes them old!

I am really really happy that le boyfriend (and yes he will keep that name for now until I think of some other cute moniker) finally told our families, I felt sort of like I was lying all the time and I have been so happy about our decision that I just wanted to tell everyone! Plus I was being kinda insecure thinking that he didn't want to tell people because he was ashamed or something silly (really he just wanted to wait for the ring.)

Anywhoo, that's all for now. I can finally tell EVERYONE and be as happy and excited as I want. I can look at bridal magazines and browse wedding websites without worrying about the floor dropping out from beneath me! So again I promise that I will post a pic of the ring when I get it, but that won't be for at least another 3 weeks.

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone, I really appreciate the support! I hope that you are all doing well in your own corners of the world! Have a great day! :)


Cupcake Blonde said…
I am so happy for you! This is wonderful news. And you can always call him le fiance. :)
Delicieux said…
Hooray hooray hooray!!!!! :)

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