Jim Carey inspired me???

Yes that's right Jim Carey said something on Oprah that was so inspiring, that I felt that I needed to share it.

But before I did that I wanted to say that I am in mourning today for the loss of one of my favorite blogs. Vegas Princess has decided to give up her blog and I think that the blogging community is worse off for it. I want to take this opportunity to say goodbye to Vegas Princess, and thank her for her blog, which provided many hours of smiles and laughter. I am truly saddened by the loss of this blog.

Okay on to my Jim Carey inspiration. So I never in a million years thought I would ever find Jim Carey of all people inspiring, but alas I did. So it was a show about "Warrior Moms" and he was talking about falling in love with Jenny McCarthy (who has an Autistic son) and more specifically they were talking about how many single mothers feel like they will never find a man who will love them and they're children. (I also think that this applies to many single women and MEN who are waiting to find "the one") Jim Carey said "If you go around saying, 'It's impossible. No one will ever love me. A good man is hard to find,' then you're saying to the universe that you don't believe in abundance, This universe that created the stars, galaxies, Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon and the duck-billed platypus is quite capable of finding someone for you that has the capacity to love you, no matter what your situation is." (taken from Oprah.com) He also said something like "If you believe it, you will find it. If you believe that you are capable of being loved then you will find some one who loves you for you and will find it a blessing to do so."

Now this is the same basic thing that everyone always says and I know now that it's true, but they way he put it I thought was brilliant. Okay end of rant.

Have a good day everyone!


Anonymous said…
Hey! I was watching that too and I thought it was an amazing and a life inspiring quote. thx for putting it up!
Delicieux said…
Extremely inspiring... :) and YOU, my dear, have found that someone who loves you for you! and you're getting married!!! I'm still so excited for you!
Cupcake Blonde said…
What a wonderful way of looking at things. I am going to have to remember that one.

As for my blog...well it hasn't even been a week yet and already I am freaking out. I think of things constantly all day that I should put on there. I think I may have to start it up again and figure out a way to do it because I obviously was just meant to do this.
jiggins said…
I didn't see that episode.. or many or any of Oprah episodes for that matter...

I have, however, heard of Jenny McCarthy and Mr. Carey's romance.. and the autistic son that Miss Jenny has. It's funny, cuz yesterday I walked by an end-cap in a store and Jenny McCarthy's book with her and her son were on the cover.. the story of why she had written the book, popped into my head.. random.. (i know it wasn't random).

It's great that someone like Jim Carey says things that are extremely powerful on a show like Oprah that reaches the masses... it brings the everyday truth about the Universe into a larger field of view. Nice one Jim!

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