Mom and Dad please don't be offended but this blog is not for you.

Okay so I have had so much fun blogging about my travels that I thought that I'd take the narcissism one step further and add a personal blog. I should first say that this blog is not meant to be read by my parents for no other reason than I know that I cannot express myself freely if I know that they're going to read. (There was an incident this summer with a personal Facebook note that my Dad got all weird about.) So Mom and Dad if you are reading right now I ask that you respect my wishes and find something else to read.

Now that that's done I can go about my business. So you will notice that I will be doing my best to revamp my blog, but I cannot guarantee that this will be a quick process, after all I am kinda technologically deficient. So be patient!

In the next few days I'll actually get around to blogging about something interesting so keep checking back (or subscribe that helps too!) Till then wish me luck!


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