A Day in the Life of a Nanny

So many people have asked me what exactly I do out here so I figured that I'd give you a brief run-down on my typical day.

I work Monday to Friday. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday go something like this:

I start work at 8am, which means that I get up at 7:50, throw on clothes and go downstairs to the family's apartment. There I do everything from getting the girls (little R, 4 Yrs old and Big R. 5 almost 6 yrs old) dressed (trust me this job is probably the toughest because they are tired and grouchy and mesmerized by the TV) to feeding the baby. Before I leave I have to make sure that the following things get done:

- Girls: dressed, fed, teeth brushed, hair brushed with their shoes and coats on ready to go
- Baby: dressed, fed, clean, lunch put together (consists of 1 baby food plate, 2 yogurts and 1
compote), Coat (hat, mittens and scarf) on ready to go
- Kitchen clean (clean up after the parents and the kids)
- Girls' room clean (I make the beds put away all the toys etc.)

THEN at normally 9 -9:15 me and the baby head out to daycare.
Drop baby at Daycare, go home shower (normally this brings me to 10 - 10:45)
At this point I usually go back to sleep, but if I am feeling okay I will sometimes go for a walk or go to the market and buy veggies and fruit. Sometimes I go visit friends or watch a movie. Mondays I do laundry so I am normally home all day.

At 15:30 I go pick the baby up at daycare then go pick up the girls at school. They each go to different schools. Little R goes to Maternelle, so I have to pick her up at 16:20 take the baby out of the stroller and carry him upstairs to Little R's class to get her. Then I attempt to get Little R to follow me so that we can pick up her sister around the corner for 16:30. However Little R takes her sweet time and never hurries up so I am always panicking about missing Big R. Big R is in CP around the corner and her school lets out at 16:30 and she just walks out on her own.

By 16:45 I have all 3 kids and at this point we'll either go to the park, the library or home. We play for about an hour (Big R and I do her homework, which can take anywhere from 5 mins to an hour depending on how big the fit she throws is) and then I get the bath ready and give the baby his bath. The girls take their baths after the baby and I feed the baby and make the girls' dinner. Dinner usually consists of a vegetable of some sort, a starch (pasta or rice) and meat or something containing meat (ie Steak hachee, crepes, fish sticks, chicken nuggets, chicken...)

By 19:00 I normally have the girls eating and at some point the parents get home. If Mme R is the one that gets home I get to leave right away, if it is M. R then I need to stay and help. Normally by 20:00 I am off. At this point I either eat and go to my room or I go out with friends for drinks or to the Opera or something. In any case I get to bed around 23:00 - 1:30.

Wednesdays all 3 kids are with me all day (no school for the girls), so I just try to plan activities and keep them sane all day.

Thursdays after school I get to drop Little R off at Judo, which is a positive thing because she has the most amazingly gorgeous Judo instructor in the world. Aaahhhh. I look forward to Thursdays all week.

Saturdays and Sundays I normally spend doing nothing. I have brunch with friends, go for walks, go to museums etc. etc. I love it! Normally at night I go out and total chaos ensues.

That is my typical week in a nutshell. No week is ever typical though. Lately Mme R has been working from home so I don't have to get up every morning (I sleep in till like 11) and sometimes I go out of town for the weekend and so I get to take some days off (Thursday Friday for example). My life is pretty cushy I am not gonna lie! So I love Paris, I love my life here. With that said I really have to go start living said life. So peace!


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