Another Day Another Near Homicide

So today started off like any normal day. I get into the apartment at 8am, no one is ready to go even though the girls have to be out the door by 8:15. Little R is screaming, baby R is screaming and Big R is zoned out in front of the TV. So after my usual look of death from Little R and the kick to the head by Big R the girls are finally ready to go and out the door at 8:30. I then get down to getting the baby ready but that is less than fun because he has decided that he only wants his mom and so I get the pleasure of wrestling him into his clothes and jacket and mittens and hat, while he is screaming at the top of his lungs in my ear. Joy. So get him to daycare and head home to take a nap cause I am exhausted.

Yesterday was of course Wednesday, so besides the regular bedlam I also had Big R's friend T over. T is a nice girl and an absolute pleasure to have around so I really don't mind, HOWEVER Big R decides to be a total cow to me and her sister to show off. She kicks poor Little R out of her room (they share a room) and yells at her when all Little R wants is to play with her sister. Of course what else is a 4 year old to do in such a situation but piss off her older sister and she does, she is a master at it. So I have kids crying and claiming that so and so did this, no she did this first, no it was her... I deal with this along with the baby who is so tired that he sleeps almost all day and when he is awake he is crying for no particular reason. Oh and he has figured out that if he cries or whines 9 times out of 10 he'll get what he wants. Little R is playing nicely by herself with a toy, well Baby R will try to take it from her and if she doesn't give it up he'll scream like she was trying to kill him. If he wants to be picked up and his mom is busy he'll cry like he is on fire until she does. It is driving me MENTAL!!!! I have had about enough of kids screaming. So anyway Wednesday I plan an activity, we made salt dough decorations, which although I followed the recipe exactly I manage to burn. So we paint them and that all goes well until Little R takes the color of glitter that Big R wanted. Then we are into a stage 5 pouting session. J'en ai marre! Ce n'est pas possible! How is it that I do everything to make these kids happy and all I get are screaming pouters???? So with that crisis over it's 17:30, we have to leave to take Big R and T to dance at 18:15, so I go and ask Big R to clean up the pigsty that she's created while playing with T. Of course I get attitude BIG TIME. "T didn't come over to clean up. Why do I have to clean up I didn't take most of this stuff out." To which I reply "no but you've been playing with it for the last 4 hours and you haven't let your sister or your brother play with you so why should they clean up your mess? and I don't care if T is your guest I am not our servant and I am not here to clean up after you. Get it done or T is going to dance without you." So after much eye rolling and screaming she "cleans" the room. It is now 18:00 and I am trying to get Big R to get changed etc. At 18:15 we are about to leave when she casually mentions that T can't find the bag that she came with, which contains her cell phone (yes a 6 year old with a cell phone, scary.) So we spend the next 10 minutes looking for the bag, which might I add has been missing since 16:00, so they've had over 2 hours to try to locate it and chose not to, we find it and get off to dance. Fewf down to two kids. The rest of the night goes pretty smooth and I am off work by 20:00, 11 hours after I started.

So this helps explain why I was so tired today. Anyway after school I have T again, but we have to go drop Little R at Judo (alas hot Judo guy is not there, that put a downer on my whole week) and so we do some shopping and homework while we wait for her to be finished. So the moment we get home all hell breaks loose. T goes home, Big R can't find doodoo chien, Baby R is yet again screaming and I have to get baths and dinner going. In the bath Baby R doesn't want to get in, then he doesn't want to get out. Screaming the whole time, screams while I am putting his PJ's on Big R doesn't want to get in the bath, she is so exhausted that she is throwing a five alarm hissy fit. She doesn't want to wash her hair (it hadn't been washed since Sunday) is screaming that she wants her mom and dad, her screaming scares Little R and Baby R who also start crying. At this point I am about ready to kill them all, but I keep my temper in check (by the grace of God) and while Big R is screaming "I want mommy and daddy" I tell her "Yes and I promise you they want nothing more than to be here with you because they love you very much, but they are working right now and they'll be home as soon as they can." What I am really thinking is "shut up you screaming spoiled rotten little witch." There was probably some homicidal thought in there, but I would never ever do anything to hurt those kids, even when they drive me nuts I wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to them. Then while I am feeding Baby R she is SCREAMING at me to call her mother and this is where I loose my patience I looked at her and said "you are not the only one living in this house. You expect me to drop everything, stop feeding your brother and making dinner so that you can cry on the phone to your mother? I don't think so. Despite what you may believe the world does not revolve around you and there are other people and other things that take priority so go find something else to do and get out of my sight." A little harsh, but I couldn't take anymore of her crap. Thankfully Mme R got home a short time after and I vacated as fast as I could. When I left the girls were at the dinner table whining their little butts off. I told Mme R about the afternoon and told her that the girls needed to get to bed early because they were exhausted. Mme R said that she understood, however at 21:00 when I went to use the bathroom not only were the girls awake, but they were drinking fruit juice and playing.... hmmmm not wonder they are spoiled rotten little whiners, it works every time.

I know that it is not my place to judge how these parents raise their kids, but it's me who has to deal with the consequences and it drives me CRAZY! Arg anyway thankfully I have the next 3 days without the brats. I love them but I really have no desire to come within 10 feet of them for the next three days.


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