Snail Mail

So I am back from an amazing week in Maui.  How I ended up there was a bit random.  My cousin called me on Tuesday (the 20th) and asked me if I wanted to go to Hawaii on Friday (the 23rd.)  Apparently my aunt forgot to check her e-mail and thus didn't realize that her week in their timeshare started on Friday.  With 4 kids 2 of which are under the age of 10 it is next to impossible to take off on three days notice.  My cousin (who's 19) wanted to go but her parents wouldn't let her go alone, so I was her only hope.  So I spoke to my husband and to my surprise I was able to go, so 72 hours after I got that call I was on a plane to Maui.  It was amazing.  I love Hawaii, I think that it is paradise and I honestly believe that it is what Heaven looks like.  I have been to Oahu many times before, but this was my first time to Maui and I just love the whole state.  Hawaii is by far my favourite place on earth. (Well so far!)

In other news, I have been feeling a little bit disconnected lately.  I feel like there are some things that I want to share with people, but doing so through the likes of e-mail and Facebook just seem far too impersonal.  So I am trying to get back in to the art of letter writting and snail mail.  You know what I am discovering?  It's DAMN hard!  I have sent a few of the most awkward letters to a few people. I sit down to write a letter by hand and I find myself being so formal.  What is it about writing a letter by hand that makes it so difficult?  I don't know if it's that I am putting pressure on myself and that is making it difficult, or if snail mail really is a lost art.  I will continue to work on it, but for those of you who recieve those awkward first letters, forgive me I promise I'll get better!

I am in the middle of a CRAZY week, so that is all I have for now, but let's chat again soon!  


Cupcake Blonde said…
I miss snail mail. I love getting letters and sending them. I just don't have the time any more, and I am sorry for that.

I am still so totally jealous of your impromptu trip to Hawaii. More pictures please! :)

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