I'm not your brown eyed girl
So I got my new licence in the mail the other day and noticed that under eye color they put "brun" translation: Brown. This really annoys me because I don't have brown eyes. It's not that I don't like brown eyes, but mine aren't brown. It's not even that, I would love to have brown eyes if they looked as good as these: But my eyes don't look like those. They look like this: (click on it to get the "full effect" lol) Is there brown in my eyes? Yes there is in the middle surrounded by greeny-grey. The grey I get from my Dad and my Grandparents, the brown from my Mom. My eyes are hazel, and sometimes look blue, sometimes green, once in a while they look brown. But they're not. I don't know why it bugs me so much but I just feel like it's inaccurate. It's not like I am asking for them to describe my exact eye shade, but at least use the most appropriate term. My eyes to me are the one thing that make me feel better about myself...