Half-Marathon Training Week 5

So I am in the thick of things and running 4 times a week to help the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  It is hard and I am not going to lie I am struggling a bit, as I have a bad knee and it keeps acting up, but I will keep at it.  I NEED to keep at it for my sanity!

Lots of people ask me what my training schedule it like, so I thought I would share a snapshot of what's up this week:
Monday - off
Tuesday - Tempo 6k (Meaning I run it a little faster than my race pace, so for me it is like turtle pace instead of snail pace ha ha ha)
Wednesday - X-train (YOGA!)
Thursday - Hills (run 800m up hill 7 times, plus a 2k warm up and 1k cool down.  I am not going to lie I hate Thursdays!)
Friday - off (This is my only real off day as I ride and/or play softball all the other days)
Saturday - Steady 6k
Sunday - Long Slow 14k (I also hate Sundays)

So that's what my running week looks like.  I have started to listen to audiobooks as I run instead of music in hopes that I will get wrapped up in the book and then forget that I am running.  I will let you know how that goes...

I have to say though that the hardest part of this for me is the fundraising, not the running.  I have to raise a minimum of $3100 to do the run, and with the tough economic times getting donations is a huge effort.  I am hoping to get a bit of help through my blog.  What I am hoping is that you will share my story with your bloggers and maybe even my sponsorship page and encourage your readers to do the same.  This way I can hopefully get the word out to as many people as possible.

This would be much easier if I could tell you the real reason I am doing this, but that's not my story to tell.  Let's just say that I am running in honor of someone that I care about.  Also I am running in honor of a good friend who beat Lymphoma as a kid.  She was my next door neighbor, and I vividly remember the day that her Mom told us that she would be undergoing treatment.  I can still see her face with her bald little head peering out at us through her front window when she wasn't allowed to play outside and how she excitedly told me that her hair could grow back curly (it didn't, but she is one of the most beautiful girls I know, inside and out.)  As I said this story has a happy ending as she beat her cancer and is now an adult and will be getting married this year!  I feel very lucky to have that hope to keep me motivated.

Just so you know; there are over 90,000 people living with, or in remission from, a blood cancer in Canada and 15,920 Canadians will be diagnosed with a blood cancer in 2011, which equates to someone every 33 minutes. Also 6,950 Canadians will die from a blood cancer this year; or one person every 76 minutes. If you think about it, this means that blood cancer will more than likely touch you in some way or another, if it hasn’t already. Sponsoring me, or helping me is a way for you to help aid in research to hopefully get us closer to a cure!  

So ANYWAY if you could please all check out my website here and share it with everyone you know.  Also if anyone can help me put a button or something on the side over there --->  
I would really appreciate it.  I am sooooo internet illiterate! 

Thank you guys all in advance for your support!  I believe in the power of the blog.  I have $2490 to raise by December and I need HELP!  


Cupcake Blonde said…
If we ever have a week where I am not picking and choosing groceries because we don't have enough money to get everything we need I will definitely send you some. I hate being poor. :(
Odette said…
Thanks! As I said I would even appreciate ppl just sharing the link. Word of mouth can go a long way! :D

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