Where do I start?

So I haven't been around in a while.  Stuff has been happening, most of it out of my control and none of it I can talk about.  What I can talk about is that I have been stressed out and super depressed.  Until today I have not felt rested in about 2 months.  I have lost my appetite, but am not losing weight.  I cry randomly almost unprovoked, and I am not a crier.  The rest of the time I put on a happy face and go on with my life.  But it hasn't been working.

You see this "thing" that is happening isn't happening to me exactly, and the person it is happening to hasn't exactly told many people, so until this person does (and I hope it is never because they won't tell anyone until they NEED to and I REALLY hope they never NEED to) I am not going to say who or what I am talking about.    Confusing right?  Yeah well I have a secret and it is killing me.

The few people I have told have told me to "think positive" because it could never turn into an issue.  But I can tell you what they unknown is very scary and when faced with it and when you can do nothing about it, it is very difficult to just be positive and forget it.

So as I said until today I hadn't felt rested in a long time.  Today that changed because yesterday I found something to do.  It won't help with this situation exactly, but it will help other people in a different, but no less scary situation.  I have decided to join Team in Training with my husband.  I am going to train for a half-marathon (my husband will do a full marathon) and raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society.  The best part is that the run that we're going to try to do is the "Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend!"  I mean how fun is that?  Not only do I get to set a goal, but I get to do it in a place that I have been DYING to go since I moved to this side of the country!

I am so not a runner, but I am in pretty good shape, so I am not too sure if I will walk or run, but Team in Training provides coaches and mentors to help us, so they will be able to tell me what I reasonable goal is.  A half-marathon is something I never thought I could or would even want to do, but I have learned over the last few months that life is short, sometimes a lot shorter than it should be and instead of lamenting over the fact that I am due to turn 30 in a week, I should push myself to achieve the impossible.  So I have something to blog about now, and I will try to keep on it.  Let's see if a non-runner really can become a half-marathon runner!    


Cupcake Blonde said…
I am glad to see a post from you again but sorry to hear about how depressed you have been. Believe me, I understand because I am feeling the same way. Things beyond my control have me completely down in the dumps and I have no motivation. And I do not believe we are alone, just look at your sidebar at how many of us are NOT blogging. I keep meaning too, but I don't want to be depressed on there all the time. So I just don't do it.

The Team in Training sounds great! It sounds like something my husband and I should look into. We desperately need something to do that will take our mind off of things...

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