
So friends it's been a while and I meant to post more often, but life just got in the way.  My experiment from my last post has been going well and I have even seen some REAL things come of it.  First off I am in the process of getting a contract with the government.  I got this opportunity by basically living my experiment.  Someone I know basically saw my new attitude and when the contract came up he nominated me for it.  So that's that... I hope ;)  Nothing is set in stone yet, so we'll have to see.

Also my riding is improving dramatically, which is great seeing as that's the only real "thing" I have right now and I felt for a while like I was stagnating.  It occured to me that most of you don't really know what type of riding I do.  I do dressage.  You can see a description of it here.  Basically I train in the "classical german style"  which means that I follow the school of thought on training that comes out of Germany.  (I can get more technical if you like...)  Here's a video of my coach's coach Belinda Trussell, who is one of the top riders in Canada.  What you're seeing in the video is a freestyle which is dressage done to music.  I obviously don't do that level, but maybe one day. 

I didn't show this year because I didn't feel I was ready, but next year I am hoping to start showing again.  Dressage competition is divided into "levels" it starts with "training level" and goes up to grand prix, which is what you saw Belinda demonstrate so well in the video.  Next year I will be doing second level (which strangely enough is actually the third level...)

Anywhoo that's all I got for now.  Much love xo


Cupcake Blonde said…
Glad to hear from you/ It is always nice to get an update. I am so happy your new outlook and attitude are working well. You can do anything! :)

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