That's a Wrap... for now

So as many of you have probably guessed I am having a lot of trouble keeping up with the blogging world. After much consideration I have decided to take an indefinite break from my blog. I'd like to say that I have the intention of returning to my blog, but at this point I just don't know.

As I mentioned previously my life is undergoing a lot of changes and as a result I just cannot keep up with my blog. For me blogging has been all about give and take and I have not had the time recently to give all of you the time that you so deserve. You have all been such an amazing part of my life for the last few years and I will never be able to thank you enough. I will keep up with people through Facebook and hope to maintain contact with you that way. I also plan to stop by your blogs once in a while because "I just can't quit you." (ha ha ha... yeah I went there)

Anyway thank you all again for your ongoing support, it has meant more to you than you will ever know.

Take care of yourselves.

Warmest regards,


Cupcake Blonde said…
While I am sad to hear this I completely understand. Life has a way of getting away from us and if anything this past week has taught me it is to enjoy life as much as you can now. You never know when it will al be over. I will miss your posts but I bet you'll be back sometime. :)
You'll be back. Maybe not soon, but someday!!

See you on FB!!! :)

courtney said…
I hope you'll be back, but as you've probably noticed by my own blogging silence, I'm pretty much there, too. Keep in touch and we WILL manage to make a get-together work one of these times!
Delicieux said…
Girl, I totally hear ya! This year it was really hard for me to keep up, too. Good luck! And I'll see you on FB! :)

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