The past two and a half months Part 1

Believe it or not I have about three full posts saved as "drafts" that I just can't seem to tweak enough to make them "post-worthy" so instead I am just going to give you a brief overview of my life since the middle of August. I will have to do this in a few parts, because this has been a busy few months!

So here we go:

Friday Aug 28th - I got married!

We had a small ceremony on the beach. It was nice and relaxed, since we had such a small group (there were about 20 people including the photographers, Officiant and wedding coordinator) we got most of the people involved in the ceremony by having them read our "reading" which is was more like a poem-y thing. Basically we broke it down so that my husband's mom and dad, his groomsmen, my bridesmaids and my parents all had a part to read. (I gave them each a cue card with their "part"on it.) The Officiant (The INCREDIBLE Brent Sheppard) was so impressed by the idea that he asked if he could steal it for future weddings (my Dad said sure, but only if we got a royalty cheque ha ha ha.)

So that's the pic of the ceremony. It's tough to find pics where I don't show anyone's faces!

The reception was great. It was in a tent in the yard of a heritage house right by the beach. I can't seem to get the professional picture to upload so I'll show you a pic that my friend took.

You can't see much but that's the tent taken from the house. :P

The decor worked and I got the mini lights that I wanted, so really that was all that mattered to me. We had the center pieces that we (my bridesmaids, my aunt, my mom and myself) made and our favours which were aqua, brown and cream m&ms in chocolate brown truffle boxes tied with turquoise ribbon (my aunt tied EVERY one!)

We had a great cake, it was chocolate with raspberry cream filling, I only got the bite fed to me by my husband, but that bite was good! There actually wasn't enough cake for everyone, which was too bad because it was so good! They're actually making us a small version of the cake that my family can eat over Christmas so that we can actually have a piece! :)

There was dancing, there were drinks (the head table toasted with the Bollinger champagne that my husband brought back from France) and food. I am not going to lie I hated about 70% of the wedding. After dinner I turned to my Dad and asked if I could leave. I was really really stressed and I felt like everyone wanted a piece of me and I couldn't just dance with my friends and enjoy myself. Everytime I had settled and was talking to someone or dancing and then someone else would come and pull me away. It was just so tiring. Thankfully everyone said that I looked like I was having such a good time, so my facade worked, but I was SOOOO happy when I woke up the next morning!

Speaking of waking up, we stayed that night at the Four Seasons and we were so so surprised to find all sorts of little treats waiting for us!

That's a personalized robe, (my husband got one too and this pic is taken at about 4am the night of our wedding) chocolate fondue (the best I have ever tasted) and an assortment of chocolate goodies (the inukshuk was a chocolate hazelnut rice crispie concoction and it was AMAZING!)

Okay so that's all for today. Tune in next time when I run down our somewhat ill-fated honeymoon and more random wedding pics! Thanks for bearing with me. I am in a somewhat scary, frustrating and maybe a bit exciting period of transition of my life, so I am not too sure that I will be posting regularly but I am not giving up... yet and I really appreciate that you all haven't given up on me!


Cupcake Blonde said…
It all sounds and looks amazing! All your hard work and planning certainly paid off.

Can't wait to read and see more!

P.S. The Adventures of Photo Pixie are up on my blog! :)
Delicieux said…
Your wedding looked absolutely fabulously amazing! :) Congrats!
Mary Ellen said…
I'm glad to finally hear all about the wedding. I totally understand how tiring the experience is (I've always wished I had been one of those people who could say 'my wedding day was the happiest day of my life') and about how you feel like everyone wanted a piece of you. Everything looked fabulous, though.

Transitions are scary, but I'm sending positive thoughts and looking forward to hearing more about what's going on with you now.
Get a mattress pad like ours. It has duel controls so you can have it cozy warm and his side can be OFF!!


Hallie :)
Alice said… looks gorgeous. I'm just getting back into my blogging grove....I haven't had much time since Austin was born...but I have thought of you - esepecially this summer when I knew you were getting married...this post made me smile. I'm looking forward to more...hint, hint(if you can swing them!)

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