I'm baaaaack!

Okie dokie smokies, so I am back and ready to blog. I have been sans internet for a while now so unable to blog and I felt it necessary to catch up on all my regular blogs before I posted, so I am ready to go!

Here are some random moving thoughts:

Moving sucks and I am still living in a jungle of boxes, but that's okay it will be over soon (or so I keep telling myself!)

I will post pictures (or a lovely before / after video that I am in the process of making, we'll see) as soon as the house does not look like the site of a nuclear explosion.

Birds keep flying into out sliding glass door, it's quite disturbing cause one actually left some feathers (and what I can only imagine are bird brains) on the window.

I got carpal tunnel syndrome from painting. I shit you not, I was in so much pain last week that I could barley hold a fork or a pen!

My fiance is making the move unecessarily difficult by insisting that we don't plug anything in or put things on the shelves until we "know for sure where they're going to stay." I KNOW where they are going to stay (WHERE I PUT THEM!) so why are we dragging this process out? I mean all we are doing is compounding the problem of the aformentioned nuclear blast. Arg sometimes I wonder why I am marrying an engineer! (Just joking!)

Thankfully my cat seems to have adjusted seamlessly to the move and has now decided that he is allowed to get on the couch whenever he wants. He actually hops up when we're sitting on the couch and lays there like he was invited! He's here right now sleeping (and doing his little kitty dream leg and tail twitch. So cute!)

Our yard looks like the secret garden. (Before they brought it back to life) Everything is overgrown and no one trimmed away the dead stuff from last year and all the shrubs are like giant man-eating trees! Oh well I have a brown thumb so chances are it'll all be dead by July!

Now for a story...

We moved out of our apartment on the 20th (a Wednesday) and my fiance stayed there that night on an air matress so that he could return the moving truck to the original location to avoid the fee for returning t to a different location. Anyway for whatever reason he didn't bring the air matress and sheets home with him because we were planning in going back that weekend to clean and grab the odds and ends that we had left there. (We had also left everything in our fridge because we had just gotten one for the house and we wanted to give it a day to start working before we put stuff in it.)

So we get there on Saturday and something is amiss. The door and windows are all locked like we had left them, but someone had been in the apartment. The air matress had moved and one of the sheets had been taken off and left in the closet, one of our plates was sitting beside the air matress with a bunch of cigarette butts and ash in it and our beer that we had left in the fridge had been drunk.

What I was even more disturbed about was the fact that my computer was still in the apartment because that's where our internet hook up was, so this person could have easily gotten on to my computer and hacked all my info or downloaded virises or something. My computer did seem to be untouched (I checked the browsing history and the log on history to see if it had been turned on and it seems like it was never used) but still I felt ill and violated.

My Fiance called the land lord and left a message that started something like this: "Hey [landlord's name] our apartment isn't a hotel and you shouldn't be giving keys out to random individuals to use our apartment at their leisure." Then he went on to describe the scene we walked in to. (Side note: We did get a call back from the property management company that said that they have no record of anyone being given keys to our apartment, but we're not buying.)

So anyway we went about cleaning and left late hoping to catch the perp in the act, but no luck. We did however take everything with us so there would be no more creature comforts for them (not even gas or power.) But I am still deeply disturbed by the events that took place there. It just gives me the heeby jeebies!

So I guess that that's it for now! I hope that you are all doing well in your own corners of the world. (For those of you who aren't BIG HUGS)

****Update I just got a job interview for a great Employee relations position for a game testing lab! YAY finally a real interview for a job I would actually want! :)****


Cupcake Blonde said…
Moving sucks all around. Good luck finding homes for all of your things, that for me is the fun part. :)

That story is CRAZY! I totally would have camped out there to catch whoever it was in the act. I mean, it is still your apartment until it is officially turned over right? How creepy that they used your stuff and ate and drank your food and beer. People are crazy.
Kass said…
That is so weird. I wonder who it was..
Mary Ellen said…
Glad the move is completed - even if you still have to find homes for everything.

How creepy that people were in your apartment!

Congrats on the job interview and good luck!

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