It's been a while

Okay so I really don't have a lot to say right now as I am still feeling like my head is spinning. I am packing up a storm getting ready to take possession of our new house in a week.

I had a great time in Vancouver, but it was WAYYY too short. I tried to be organized and arrange to see people before I left, but alas that didn't work. So then I got there and tried my best and saw a lot of people, but just didn't get to see everyone I wanted to. So my rule for next time is that I am going to a) Rent a car and b) Try to ORGANIZE things. I didn't have a car while I was there so getting around was incredibly difficult and taking the bus costs like $5 a trip and they don't take bills, so that was a HUGE pain in the ass. Rental car = good. Plus I was getting totally screwed up on days vs dates, so I need to make myself a little calendar next time and actually write when and where I am to meet people.

I was productive however here's a snapshot:
Tuesday: Get up at 6am (Read 3am Vancouver time) land in Vancouver 11am, Downtown to see Mom and have lunch w/ rents, go for dinner with riding coach
Wednesday: Go to the barn, Have dinner with friend from old job
Thursday: Barn, Dinner and Drinks with group of friends from High School
Friday: Barn, Downtown to shop w/ Mom (where she bought me the most awesome purse I have ever owned...I am in love...) movie w/ the rents
Saturday: 10am fabric shopping w/ bridesmaids - 3pm fruitless attempt to get downtown - 6pm dinner with another friend
Sunday: Fruitless attempt #2 to get downtown - Hang w/ cousin. Dinner for Friend's b-day
Monday: Barn, Coffee w/ Aunt, Dinner w/ Mom
Tuesday: Went to check on my wedding band, flew home

May not sound like much, but I had to mooch rides EVERYWHERE or take the bus so that just sucked! TWICE I tried and failed to get downtown due to aforementioned bus change issues and the fact that I couldn't get a ride because of the Sun Run (imagine that!) I felt really bad about not getting to see everyone, but I have to get over it (and I am so good at not kicking my own ass... not so much) and get focused on everything that is going on now!

With all that said I did have a really great time being home and feeling like ME again. There is just something about reconnecting with the place that I am from that really makes me feel whole. Which is funny cause I know so many people that feel the exact opposite. For me though I think that it means so much to me because that is a place where I used to matter to people and I had a purpose and I really miss that aspect of my life. I miss everything I used to do there, I mean I used to ride and coach (horseback riding) 3- 4 times a week, take voice lessons, dance, play slo-pitch, rugby and golf all while holding down 2+ jobs. I loved it. I loved being busy and feeling fulfilled and being home reminds me of that feeling.

On top of all those great things I got a great new bag (THANKS MOM!) This is it, except mine is coral and I am in love with it.

Another unexpected side-effect of being in Vancouver was how much I missed Montreal. It's not even that I miss the city itself because to me it's not that great, but I did miss the life that I am starting here, so I am less convinced that I could just pick up and move home without batting an eyelash, which is good because it means that I am getting settled.

I have a job interview for a Day Camp Counselor on Thursday. I figure this is a good way to break my working dry spell and it's a good way to stay active and play outside all summer. Plus this way I get used to working in Quebec and I don't have to worry about taking time off for my wedding because it finishes the day before I leave for the wedding. The downside of course being that in the fall I am right back here again looking for work, but now I am so freaking desperate that I will take whatever I can get!

So that's all I have right now. I am going to try to do some blog catching uping (and yes Delicieux I will send you my list of great stuff in Paris! Check my Travel blog in the meantime) but it is going to be a slow process so I apologize! Thanks for stickin' with me guys! :)


Mary Ellen said…
Welcome back! I'm so glad you had a good trip (bus issues aside). Working for the summer is a terrific idea. Don't worry about being unemployed again in the fall. Things have a way of working out.

Nice purse!
Breathe. And if that doesn't work, go sniff your awesome purse!!

Wanderlusting said…
Sweet purse - yah it's a shame I didn't get to see you. Definitely rent a car next time(I'm guessing Chris and Sanna didn't offer to drive you anywhere?). AND PLAN AHEAD lol.

The summer camp job sounds awesome (I was accepted to be a camp counsellor at Aspengrove Equestian Academy myself) and the economy will probably be a lot more hopefull come September (plus keep in mind that people will be going back to school, leaving more jobs open). Anyhoo, hope you get it!
Cupcake Blonde said…
Sounds like you had a great, albeit busy, time in Vancouver. I always have a hard time seeing everyone when I go back to MA to visit too. It is just so hard to met up with everyone. I am sure people understood. You are only one person. :)

That purse is awesome, I want one. :)

I think the counselor job sounds great. I was one for three summer sin college and it was increidble! And you have all that valuable nanny experience under your belt. Go for it!

P.S. I have a contest on my blog if you wish to check it out! :)
courtney said…
I still feel awful about bailing on you while you were in town. Next time, for sure. I'm glad that you had a good trip!

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