In Montreal...
So I am currently in Montreal. I am doing NOTHING but looking for jobs and since I have no money I really can't do anything else. I hate this, I am frustrated and I just want to go home. I am not too sure that I can do this, move here I mean. In Vancouver I could have a job within a week, but here I am at a loss. I used to love this city, but now I am not too sure. Arg I knew these next few months were going to be tough and I have other stuff going on, which I can't talk about and I just feel alone and hopeless. Boo hoo suck it up Odette I try to tell myself, but I am frustrated! grrrrrrr!
P.S. Still waiting to get your email so I can send you an invite. I miss you!!! Hallie has my email too if it is easier to contact her. :)
I say, just stick it out - things will work out, just maybe not the way you thought, but still good!
And also - getting a job in Vancouver takes awhile too! I'M AN EXAMPLE! :P