Don't judge me
I am going to warn you straight off the bat. This post is going to offend some people. I don't mean it to, but you can never have this discussion and NOT offend someone. With that said I will get on with my post. I have a large extended family. My dad's side are catholic and all that that entails, so he had 7 brothers and sisters, and each of them has at least one kid, so I have 18 cousins on my Dad's side alone. Anyway we are mostly a very close group. There are 4 noteable exceptions, one due to family circumstances and the other three due to the death of one of my uncles when I was very young. I have been reunited with all of them in my adult life and that was great. Well it was sort of great. A few years ago the kids of my late uncle (well calling them kids is a bit of a misnomer, seeing as the two older ones were in their 30's with 2 kids apiece) came to stay with us so that they could spend time with my gr...