Another Day Another Near Homicide
So today started off like any normal day. I get into the apartment at 8am, no one is ready to go even though the girls have to be out the door by 8:15. Little R is screaming, baby R is screaming and Big R is zoned out in front of the TV. So after my usual look of death from Little R and the kick to the head by Big R the girls are finally ready to go and out the door at 8:30. I then get down to getting the baby ready but that is less than fun because he has decided that he only wants his mom and so I get the pleasure of wrestling him into his clothes and jacket and mittens and hat, while he is screaming at the top of his lungs in my ear. Joy. So get him to daycare and head home to take a nap cause I am exhausted. Yesterday was of course Wednesday, so besides the regular bedlam I also had Big R's friend T over. T is a nice girl and an absolute pleasure to have around so I really don't mind, HOWEVER Big R decides to be a total cow to me and her sister to show off. She kicks poor L...